Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2nd, 4th, and 5th Periods: 19th Amendment Letter

The Women’s Suffrage Movement was a very controversial period of American history. Place yourself in this period and take on the role of a mother whose son is a Congressman about to vote on the ratification of the 19th amendment. Write your son a letter (at least one full paragraph) focusing on the importance of women receiving the right to vote and convince him that he should vote YES for the 19th amendment. (Post due Wednesday, February 23rd at beginning of class)


  1. Dearest Son,
    I have heard news of the amendment that would give women rights and for you being the congress man that you are I hope you would vote yes for your dear old mother. If you give women the right to vote you would have more votes for our state which entitles our state to have more say in who is to lead our country. I really do hope you would vote yes and to hope to influence your vote here are some homemade cookies fresh from the bakery in where I work. I tried to raise you the best I could, giving you all that I could give, and I hope this could be the one time when you could pay me back this one favor. Your father and I both know you will make the right choice. Have a great time.

    Sincerely your loving mother.

    P.S. Don’t eat all the cookies at once I don’t want you to miss the big meeting.

  2. Misha Jones said said...February 22, 2011 at 8:15 AM

    I have raised you right, and have taught you not to see black of white, and that everyone is equal. Make the right decision on the 19th amendment, I know you will. Women should have the same rights as men and be treated equally. You are my son and you have a lot of power on the very important subject of women’s rights. As a congressmen you need to think deeply about your influence and decision that will impact the future. Years from now when I could be gone, I want you to look back and say that you made the right decision. You should vote yes on the 19th amendment. What every decision you make I will always be proud of you.
    Love you,

  3. Dear my one and only son,

    I have been hearing the buzz about the amendment that will allow women to vote. You know you should vote yes, so I have the chance to vote for a president and many other things. I know how to persuade you to vote yes, by sending you one of my famous chocolate marble cake that I know you loved when you were little. This amendment will give the women in America to have a say in who represents us. I would appreciate it very much if you voted yes, so I, your dear mother, would have a chance to voice my own opinion.

    Love always,

  4. Dear Son,
    I am about to vote on a big contorversial debate about womens suffrage and I have raised you to respect women and when voting time comes I want you to vote YES on this debate. Its not about your skin color or your gender everyone that lives in America should have a say in their government. You have a big part in this debate because only men can vote so that is why I want you to vote YES on this debate. Later on down the road when im long gone I want you to look back when you have kids and know that you made the right decission on this topic. I respect and understand your decission no matter what but I hope you will make the right one. I will always be proud of you.

  5. Son,
    Women’s rights are very important. You should vote yes for the new amendment. Just think about it, if the women of America are able to vote then there would be an even bigger chance for you to get re-elected into congress. If women are able to vote then it would make the elections more accurate and this way all of the American citizens have a say in who is our nation’s president. Women should be able to vote because they are citizens of America also, that gives them the right to vote. If women can work and pay taxes than they should be able to vote for their president. Do the right thing, think about your dear mother.

  6. Dear Son,
    You have always been a good son to your mom. I am proud of you for making it this far in the world, and now it is your turn to give back and make a difference. Just think of all the women in your life that would be happy if this bill was passed. After all these women work and work every day and we don’t get to even vote, what kind of mess is that. It is a shame that this has gone on for so long. But son please vote yes, make your mom proud.
    Love you bunches, Mom xoxoxoxo

  7. Dear Earl Eugene Richards,
    I know that you are Congressman and I hear that you are about to vote on the ratification of the 19th Amendment. You should definitely vote for it to be ratified because I feel like everyone, man and woman, should have a say in who we want to be our Government Officials. I don’t think it’s fair that we can’t vote just because we are women. You also need to vote because this will cause a dramatic change that I think EVERY woman will love. Women should have the right to do as much as men, because in case you forgot, we are the ones who cook for y’all and we are the ones that take of y’all. Appreciate what I do because I know I will appreciate the ratification of this Amendment. Whatever you do think hard about it and make the right decision for your #1 Lady. I love you and don’t forget what I said.

    Love Mommy

    P.S. I would love it if you vote for this to be ratified. :)

  8. Dear Son,
    How is your job as a congressman? I bet you’ll doing very well as a congressman. I wish you the best of luck; however, I have one concern about the Constitutional amendments. I feel that the 19th amendment is very important to women. We as humans should have the ability to vote for our leader, and let our voice be heard. I would vote for you if you were running as a congressman, and I think you should do the same for me. I was heavily excited when I heard women could have the chance to vote. So please vote yes for women’s rights to vote in national elections.

  9. Dear son,
    I miss you greatly I hope you are doing well in congress, we are so proud of you and what you do .With that being said I need to let my thoughts of this upcoming bill for women to be able to vote. I would love to have you vote yes for I would like to be involved with our government like you are, you know women don’t get a say in what we think should be done and that’s why we have you to voice our opinion but we are tired of it and want a voice of our own. Positive effects of this bill being passed your congress would have more votes in office, we can help certain people go into office, and you could get more votes from my friends and the family. The men may not like it too much for they think only men should have this much responsibility in the states, but I raised you right and you know that’s not true women have the same amount of rights as men do. I can’t force you to vote yes but I would love for you to. I miss you greatly and see you soon
    With Love,

  10. Dear Charles Elijah Frankford Franklin
    It has come to my attention that there is a amendment being passed that will give women the right to vote. The reason you should vote yes is because you where raised knowing that all people are created equal. This is why you know that all people should have the same rights as everyone else no matter who you are or what you are you should be given fair and equal rights. Now I hope you look deep down and remember how you where raised. And just because you have power does not mean you should misuse it. If you do misuse your power then you will not be reelected, but if you vote yes you may also gain the vote of the women later on. If you vote no I disown you.
    Marry Ann Donald Elizabeth Franklin

  11. Dear baby boy,
    I am so happy that you have grown up to be a successful congressman. You have the opportunity to change people’s lives with your vote. I hear you are voting on the 19th amendment in your next meeting. I hope you make the right decision and vote yes. I have lived all of my life not being able to participate in my government. B y having you as my son I tried to raise you the best I could and instill good values into you. I taught you to believe that all people are equal. Now that the African Americans have the right to vote women should have that opportunity too. Women are always being pushed to the side and having to provide for everybody including myself, I have had so many experiences in life that the least they could do is let me and all the other women vote. I hope you make the right decision (there is a treat waiting for you at home if you do, if not I’m giving it to the homeless man outside).
    Love you sooooo much,

  12. Dear Son,
    As of you mother, I have raised you to show woman and all people of respect. It wouldn’t be right to say that woman couldn’t vote---we are people too you know. All throughout history, women have been overlooked as if we are only good for cooking, making clothing, and taking care of the children. I raised you better than that to have the say of women rights to vote and to not take advantage of it. Men do not need to have all the credit and say of what goes. We have the right to be able to vote for who we thing will run our government. . It is time for women to take a stand now and to be independent, so passing this amendment would be a great start for our independence. Would you want me to sit back and miss a great opportunity to be apart of history?
    I know you are going to make the right choice in the end.:)
    Sincerly, Your Mom!!

  13. Dear Son,

    I have heard that Congress is voting to pass an amendment that will allow women to vote. The 15th Amendment was made so that African American former slaves were allowed to vote. I ask you, why is it that African American Men can vote, yet women cannot vote? Back in the days, when the populations of the states were counted, the slaves counted as three fifths of a person and women were counted as a whole. Now, these slaves are free and have the ability to vote and we, women, can't. The women are part of the population and we should have a say as to who should be in charge of our country. When the men were off fighting the British in the Revolutionary War, it was the women who took over. We had to do the tasks that we have never done before and that the men were in charge of. Although women aren't treated as an equal in society, we should be. We are capable of doing what the men can, so we should be allowed to vote as to who should represent our country. You are a Congressman and I hope you will vote in favor of the new amendment. I represent all the women and thank you if the amendment is passed. I know you will make the right choice.


  14. Dear my wonderful son,

    I know i havent always been your idol parent, simple fact being that we grew up struggling and depending on your father who ,apparently ,wasnt there at all. I trulely hope you forgive me because you know it was hard being a single parent. With this great power you have as a congressman you should take this voting very seriously. I know that through our struggle i have raised you well, whatever decision you make i will stand behind you 100% but as far as my opinion i think you should vote yes for the 19th amendment because i am a woman and not only that i am your mother. please son make your mother proud and place a great impact on others as well as yourself, help brighten up the future.

    your mother

  15. Dear, Son
    I have stuck by you throughout your entire life. I know that you will look into your heart and make the best decision. Before you vote you should take some time and think about the situation. If you vote yes, women will have the right to vote. Not only will we have the privilege to vote, but it would make a difference in who we vote to rule us. There are plenty of reasons why you should vote yes for the nineteenth amendment. One reason why you should vote yes is because I am your mother, and two you as a male should have some feelings for how much of a difference you will make. I know that this is your job, and you shouldn’t base your decision off of my opinion. However, you mustn’t forget that if you vote NO you will not only disappoint me, but you are also disappointing the female citizens of this nation.
    Love always,
    P.S. Always remember that I will always love you. You are my one and only son.

  16. Dear son,
    Son, I have been there for you your entire life and have taught you what you should do and what you should not do. You have seen the trouble for women not having a say in anything that is concerning them. Which is not right, so if you say yes to the amendment men and women will have a say. It’s your time to make a change by voting yes to give women the right to vote. So women like me and your sister can vote. Make a change son! Love you have a nice day.
    Sincerely, your mother

  17. Hey son this is your mother, I would really like the opportunity to vote. If you vote yes for this amendment to be passed, I will pay you an undisclosed amount of money. More than what you get paid in a year. And if you vote yes for this amendment and it gets passed I will vote for you every year; and when you come to visit, I’ll have fresh chocolate-chip cookies waiting for you. Allowing us women to vote will benefit the country because we will have more civic responsibilities. Plus I would love to follow in your footsteps and kind of be involved in government in some way, and so would a lot of other women.

  18. Dear my lovely son Johnny,
    I know I havent seen you in a while,I hope you doing well and everything is going ok up there. Your sister and I are doing great but we could be doing a little better if we were allowed to vote. You and I both know of the newest amendment that would allow us women including your mother to vote. Since you are one of the men that are voting for the amendment I expect you to vote to have the amendment since your mother over hear isn’t allowed to vote. Also think about your three other sisters too, don’t you think they should be able to vote whenever they get older too. I have raised you well so you should know that women are strong minded and could help improve our country. Don’t get me wrong you men are doing a great job, but our country could improve and you even said that yourself. Please listen to your mother and vote for us women to be able to vote. I know you would want your little daughter Sarah to be able to help improve this country. Please write back Johnny and I love you
    Sincerely Your Mother
    PS. Make sure you will be down for Christmas I have a special dinner planned!!!

  19. Dear son,
    You have been a great man, and respected me all the time. I know as a congressman its hard sometimes to make decisions. Therefore right now with the idea of letting women vote is going on I think you should vote, for the right to get passed. I know it’s hard to make decisions, but me as your mother guarantee it will be the best choice. Because I think we should all be equal, and that women should be equal to men .Because we should all have right to vote for our leader because we all have a opinion not only man do we all do. Imagine when you get marry how you will feel to be the only one voting in your relationship that wouldn’t be fair. Therefore voting together would be much better. Also if you and the government want a better country a country that has more rights and freedoms not like the British the country will be a successful independent country. I hope that you take this opinion serious and think about it you see we all have an opinion, and if his right gets pass I want to go with you on our next vote for our next leader.
    Your mother

  20. Dear son,
    I would like to start off by telling you how proud I am of you from getting this far. I am extremely impressed of what a great man you have become, and I am honored to have someone in my family that is serving his country well. As you know, the voting elections are coming up on whether or not to allow women the right to vote in elections. I’m not here to force you to vote for what I believe is right. Even though I know you will make the best decision, here is a little reminder to what I have taught you being fair and not fair. As you know, God created everybody equal and I believe it should stay that way. All women should be able to vote as men do, for we are all equal. Men should not have greater rights than woman, for woman can do, and do just as much work as the men do. It would not only be benefitting women if we allow this right to be passed, but it will benefit our nation as a whole, for if we allow women to vote, it will increase the amount of votes to each state. Basically what I am trying to tell you is that not having women be able to vote is unfair, woman need to have the same rights as men do and nothing lower. I know what you choose will be the wisest thing, for I have taught you what is right from wrong, and not allowing women to vote is wrong. Make me even more proud than I already am of you. I miss you and love you.
    Love always,
    Mom 

  21. Dear Albert,

    I have held you in my womb for 9 months and now you are a grown Congressman. You were my baby seedling and now you have very much so sprouted. You have sprouted into the intelligent young man who has a great decision in his hands. Only such decision should be thought of very carefully and understood. Understand that women and men are equal and we should have the right to vote. So when you go to the voting poll think not of what other people say do what you want, but may I remind you that without women were would men be. We birthed the men and women that stand here today and carried them in our wombs. We do the household things and tend to our families very closely. I know what is going on in today’s society, so don’t you think I should have a say in what I feel and think about them. Once again my dear son, the decision is in your hands just think of what a joy it would be if the 19th amendment was passed, what a glorious day that would be.

    Mother Dearest

  22. Dear my sweet son,
    I want to just let you know that I love you and trust you to make the right and wisest decisions that you can, because momma didn’t raise any fool. I and other women really need your vote, because t can make a big change. The 19th amendment needs to be ratified because women make up a big portion of the population and also makes a big influence on everything that goes on in our government. Just think, if you choose the right vote then so will I, because every vote counts and makes a difference. Not only will it be influential and make a difference, but it is also only fair to let women vote. If men are allowed to vote, then so should women. We are just as much of humans as well as men. We also have a lot of responsibility among our household, so it’s only right for us to be able to vote. If we can take part in the responsibility and have some say in our household, we should be allowed to have some say in our governmental decisions. All men should be treated equal, including women, as I will say. Just because some consider men as higher rank and stronger then women, we also live in this world and should be allowed to vote for whom we want to run it. Men are not the only creatures on earth and if the 19th amendment is not ratified then that means that us women have to live on earth under ONLY the decisions that men want to make influencing our government. Please don’t let me down on, Love you!

  23. Dear Sebastian Joseph William Frankton Albert Brian,

    How are you, son? I do wish you would write more, I don’t hear from you enough when you are away from home. I hear you are working on passing a new amendment for the Constitution – one that allows women the right to vote? Indeed, I hope that you will vote yes on passing this amendment, for not only would it help women in the struggle to be treated as equals, but it will also allow more votes per state (something I know you would like for our state to have!). I know I have raised you to see everyone as equals, regardless of skin color or gender, and I hope you’ll make me proud by voting yes and giving women the ability to share their opinion.

    Your loving mother,
    Narcissa Luna Elizabeth Lily Francine Relia Smith

  24. Dear son,
    You are to young to understand now, but when you are older, you will receive the right to vote. It is because you are a male. Women, like me, cant vote, and that is just unfair. I take care of you, feed you, give you a house to live in, and everything else. I just hope that when you are older you will try to ratify women's right to vote. Voting is important, I should be allowed to take part in it. Please stand up for women.
    Love, your mom.

  25. Dear Benjamin Walter,
    This is your mother. I know you may not be happy to hear from me, but this is about that new amendment that you know about. I’ve heard it’s about women’s suffrage. If you vote for this, I will come to your new house in New York and bring you some cookies. If you voted for this, it would make such a happy lady. I know you would do this, after I did raise you to be kind and do what’s right in your mind.

  26. To my son, whom I love unconditionally,
    As I'm sure you can guess, I strongly support womens rights to vote. Voting is an important part of American citizenship that all citizens should have. Women are just as much citizens as men and you barely won your election. If women could vote, you would have won by a storm, because I am the vice president of the national womens rights group, and everyone in the group all over the nation would have voted for you. Thats almost ten thousand people. I have raised you to vote the way you vote, so I should get to vote too because your not just my reflection; you are a separate person and we both should get a say. Is it fair that you and your brothers just represent me, or I don't get a say at all if we dissagree. Men disagree so either way I vote I will agree with some men and disagree with others. It is no different because I am a girl, I have a brain, I am a human. I AM a citizen, so I should get all the rights.
    Much Love,

  27. Dear son.
    This is your mom. I understand that you are dealing with womens rights to vote. Being that I am your mother and a woman, I think you should listen to what I have to say about it. Women are equal to men, if not more important. Women have kids that grow up to be men that are more privaledged then their mothers and it is not fair. Women are the reason that there are men here. Women do work and pay taxes, they should be allowed to vote. It is unfair that we pay bills and do work and don't get a say in voting. I hope women get the rights they deserve.
    Love, mom

  28. Dear Barty,
    I hear that you will be voting on women’s voting rights in the coming weeks. You had better vote for your momma’s rights, boy, or I gonna beat you so hard you’ll have to reach up to tie your shoes. We women need our rights. As citizens of the U.S., I should be allowed to have a say in what happens in it. The women of this country could make it such a better place.
    With love,
    Mrs. Crouch

  29. Dear Son,
    I would like to start off by telling you that i am glad that you have gone and gotten a place as one of our state's Senator. I have been hearing that there is a new Amendment that is to give women the right to vote. I feel that i raised you right and that you know that women are equal to men as people and deserve all the rights that men have. I feel that because we care for the family and mother the children that we should be able to take office, vote, and have all the same rights that men have.
    Your Mom

  30. Dear son,
    While you have the right to vote I wish for the right to vote also. When you get the opportunity to vote yes for the right of women’s votes please select yes. With the votes of a woman we will have a greater chance of having the president we want, if you vote no for the 19th amendment then all woman will have no voice in who I think should have all power over our country. Women are important in many different was such as cooking cleaning and providing for our family. So make women more powerful by passing the 19th amendment.
    -signed Your Mother

  31. Dear Son,
    This is your father.You might not understand this now, but women are very important to the voting system. If it wasnt for women getting the right to vote in 1920 due to the 19th Amendement, then most elections could have been acted on diffrent. If it wasnt for women getting the right to vote there would only be 26 Amendments and if they didnt get the right to vote then old ladies that have lived life and know what is best for the goverment would not have a say. I just want you to know that women getting the right to vote is one of the most important times in history.

  32. Dear Donathan,
    Son as you know life is hard for the family now that your father passed. Dawn and Lilyann want to go to college. I am doing my best to make sure that your sisters are able to go to college while I provide for the household. My job pays me very little to be able to provide for everything. Just because I am a white WOMAN I can’t get paid as much a man. How will I be able to do my duties as a mother with no money? Senate Gilbert wants to make sure that women stay as a house working machine instead of work at a factory. Son I know you have a lot on your plate. Being married is not easy but think how you would want your wife to be treated. You would want her to help with the work load and get paid in a good amount not just stay at home 24/7 with a baby and my grandkids with a good education .Your brother doesn’t have no clue what to do just as long as he gets his money. I do want someone with good charater running our city, state and country and you have the power to changing that. Everyone has a right to learn, vote, speak and walk so let the women talk. Love you son can’t wait to see you again.


  33. Hey kiddo,
    I just wanted to write to you to tell you, how much I am proud of you, and to also tell you how much more I love you...I've seen you grow up into such a smart and rightminded young man with a promising career in law. I'm sure you've gotten quite a few letters from Women's Rights Activits, and frankly here's another one;But in the end, even if you were to vote against the bill, I'd still love you, and I just wanted to let you know that I believe you will follow your beliefs and morals.
    I love you so much,

  34. Dear Jamal Sharif Omar Azeem Andrews,

    If this amendment is passed it will be the best thing that ever happened to me and to make it even better I hope you will be involved in making it happen. You my son should vote yes because you have seen how I am so interested in what goes on in the government. I am always asking your father questions and making sure you and your brothers know what is going on also. It would be a pleasure for me to get a say so in the government and other women I know as well. We have seen the troubles our men have been through therefore we want to help out. So son I hope you take this letter and think things through.

    Your mother <3

    PS: No matter what you choose I will always and forever love you.

  35. *REDONE*
    Hey kiddo,
    I just wanted to write to you to tell you, how proud I am of you, and to also tell you how much more I love you...I've seen you grow up into such a smart and rightminded young man with a promising career in law. I'm sure you've gotten quite a few letters from Women's Rights Activists, and frankly here's another one;But in the end, even if you were to vote against the bill, I'd still love you, and I just wanted to let you know that I believe you will follow your beliefs and morals.
    I love you so much,

  36. My Dear Son,
    How have you been lately? I would love to hear how things have been going as a congressman. Has work been too stressful? There has been a lot of talk lately about the 19th amendment that might be ratified soon. I do hope that you are going to vote yes on it. You agree that women should have the right to vote, right? After all, we are still US citizens, and human beings, just like men are. I hope you agree with me when I say that your old mother should be able to have a say on who governs her too. Either way, know that I love you and am very proud of the great man you've become. I hope I can hear back from you soon!


  37. Dear, son
    You should vote for the 19th amendment to be passed because i work just like you do. all people should be treated equal and i feel that this will help that. I know i raised you right so i believe you will vote yes.

  38. Dear Son,
    I heard that you’re going to vote on whether to ratify the 19th amendment soon. As your mother I feel like I should give you my advice, and I truly hope you will pass this amendment. I raised you right and I know that you understand that we’re all equal, and we all should have the right to vote. I tried to teach you how important equality is, and now that you’re a congressman you have a chance to really make a difference. It would mean so much to me if you voted for this, not only as your mother, but as a woman. We’re just as smart as men are, and it’s about time that we’ve had a say in history. We can’t keep being put down because we’re different. I hope you understand, and I fully trust your decision.
    Love, Mom

  39. Dearest Son,
    I miss you so much, and I cannot wait for this vote to be cast so my little boy can come home to visit his momma. I am sure a smart man like you can guess that I am writing this letter in regards to the vote. Mathew dear, it would be in the interest of everyone if women can vote. Think of your sister, your wife, even me; we all would like to have a say in what is going on in our country. Of course I will love you no matter what you choose; however, it would make your momma very happy if her little boy would vote for what’s right. Don’t you want to live in a country that treats people equal; male and female? Remember, no matter what, your momma loves you, and I know you will do what is right.
    Love you with all my heart.
    Your caring Momma <3

  40. Dear Timmy,
    You are about to make a very important decision for our country. Women are also citizens of this grand country. We work, pay taxes, and serve in the military, so why should we be denied the right to vote? A woman can do anything a man can do except we can do it in a skirt and heels. Vote yes on this amendment and you will be helping to make history.

  41. How are you doing? How are the kids? But anyway, there’s been a lot of talk about the19th amendment which might be ratified soon; however, I’m not here to force you to vote for what I believe is right. I think everybody is equal, everybody “put on their clothes the same”, eat the same, and everything. If it wasn’t for woman you or any other male wouldn’t be here today. I am a citizen too, and I have rights as well. I know you will make the right choice; however keep me in your mind.
    Ps: Tell the kids I said hello!!!

  42. Dear son,
    I am very proud of you for becoming a congressman; however, you really need to vote YES for women in order to vote in the United States. Don’t you feel as if I have raised you well enough in order for me to be able to vote for this country? Do you know how much this would mean to your dear ol’ mommy can’t you do this one thing for me. This will allow me to have the chance before I get to old to vote to vote and make the right decision for the place that my one and only son will live in a become a very valuable part to society. The bill will also allow mary jo, and betty may to vote for the country and I know how much you like them so let’s see you make that good and wise decision by obeying your mommy. If you do this I know your father will be proud and his great name will reign with you forever.
    Your mommy

  43. Dear son,
    I am so proud of you; you have grown up to become a successful congressman. This means you have the right to do things that can change some people’s lives. And from word of mouth I have heard your voting for the 19th Amendment, and I hope you would vote yes for your loving mother who raised you well and cared for you all throughout your life. If you did vote yes, which I hope you will, it will change lives of many people and you would get more votes than you do now and have more opinions. But if you did happen to vote against it I will still always love you. Just do what you think is right.
    Love Mom

  44. Dear son,
    I have raised you and you are now a congress man. I know there is an amendment that is about to be voted on that gives a women the chance to vote for the president and also other government people. I just want you to know that you need to try to pass the bill, so that means that you need to say yes when you all go to vote. It sure would mean an awful lot to all the women in this country that want to have the ability for who they want to run their country. It’s just something you should think about before you make your decision.

  45. Dear Son,
    When you're voting on the 19th amendment, I just want you to remember who raised you, and omit your father from those thoughts. Women have played an important role in American society; therefore, they should have a say in how society is run. We also take up over half the population, so it’s only fair that we should be able to vote for who leads us. In conclusion, I want you to vote yes for the 19th amendment allowing women's suffrage. Just remember; I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it.


  46. Dear son,
    It would hurt me greatly if you didn’t vote YES for women to gain the right to vote. We do so much and never even ask to be thanked, but the one time we speak out against something that is so wrong we’re told to just live with it. If it had not been for us mothers, you men wouldn’t be who you are today! We just want the same rights as any man would have. We pay taxes and abide by all laws, so if you deny us the right to have a say in who we vote for, it will be portrayed as unconstitutional. It’s wrong to deny us this right because we do all we can to be excellent citizens. It would be a great loss to many women if you and your peers don’t grant us this right. So, go with your heart on this one and honor your mother’s wish.
    Your loving mother, Adriana

  47. Dear son,
    I know today is a big day for you and I just wanted to wish you good luck. You already know my opinion about the 19th amendment and you know how strongly I stand on it. It would be in your best interest to vote yes; women have done a lot for this country, we can just about everything that men do and more. If it wasn’t for us women you men wouldn’t have a home to come to or food or fresh clothes, we women make a lot of things possible and in the end you men need us and our opinions count. Just think about it, if you vote yes to ratify this amendment then there will be more votes and more votes mean a better outcome of the election. I raised you to be a respectable and honorable young man, so I expect you to make a wise and reasonable decision.
    Your mom

  48. Dearest Son Timmy,
    I have heard about the election for the 19th amendment and that your job as a congress man is to vote yes or no on women’s right to vote. As a women and your mother I beg you to vote yes it is important that women also get a right to speak on the presidential elections. The 15th amendment passed a law saying all men are allowed to vote so why should all men have the same right but a women shouldn’t. I worked hard just as your father did and I stand behind this country just as much as he would. All I’m asking is for you to give women the chance to vote to put there voices out there and be a part of the states. Just understand regardless of your decision you are my son and I will always love you but I need for you to think about women before you vote and how we deserve a chance as equals as well.
    Your loving mother

  49. Dear Son,
    I first want to congratulate you on how far you have gotten in the congress. I love to say that my only son is a congressman.I have taught you whats right from wrong and that everyone is equal. That was what i thought till I thought about the peoples equivalence. Women are not eqaual to men at all because we can't vote. i have learned that you are voting yes or no to ratify the 19th amendment. honey, I bealive that you should. I have tought you that everyone should be equal in all ways.
    Love You bunches,
    your Mother! XOXO:)

  50. Dear son,
    I hope you are doing well at the Congress meeting. I heard from one of my friends that the 19th amendment is to be voted on during this meeting and I was hoping you would vote for the ratification of it for you dear mother. It is important for us women to have the right to vote because we are citizens too and we deserve to be able to help our country in some way, shape, or form. Since we are not allowed to serve in the military, we must have some way to serve our country; thus, giving us the right to vote is essential to the country’s survival. I know you will make the right choice to help out your mother.

  51. Dearest John-Jacob-Jingle-Heimer Smith,

    As your mother I think that you should listen to what I have to say. I am your authority figure and you should lend me your ear just to hear my opinion, so please pay attention. I know that you are going to give your opinion in the vote about whether or not women should have the right to vote today. If I were you, I would seriously take it into consideration that sometimes your sister and I usually know what is best for this government. You and your father both roll your eyes at us but in the end, you both agree with our opinions. This must mean something to you if you are taking our advice in politics. I think that you should really go with voting “YES” for the 19th amendment. I would love to give the government a piece of my mind and tell them my opinions in these elections that have been going on lately. Thank you so much for listening to what I say. I love you John-Jacob-Jingle-Heimer Smith.


  52. Dear Son,
    I heard that you there has been a little voting going on about the nineteenth amendment. I feel that you should agree to it because you watched me struggle to raise you and your brothers. I feel that if you say yes to this amendment then not only will I no longer have to struggle anymore but neither will your sisters and the others women out there struggling. If anybody should know how much women desires this you should. This will mean a lot to me and all the other women out there in the world if you consider passing this amendment so think about all the great opportunities you will be opening for the women all over the world. As your mother I’m encouraging you to say YES to the ninetieth amendment.And remember anything you can do we can do better cause we have for years.

  53. Dearest Son Timmy,
    I have heard about the election for the 19th amendment and that your job as a congress man is to vote yes or no on women’s right to vote. As a women and your mother I beg you to vote yes it is important that women also get a right to speak on the presidential elections. The 15th amendment passed a law saying all men are allowed to vote so why should all men have the same right but a women shouldn’t. I worked hard just as your father did and I stand behind this country just as much as he would. All I’m asking is for you to give women the chance to vote to put there voices out there and be a part of the states. Just understand regardless of your decision you are my son and I will always love you but I need for you to think about women before you vote and how we deserve a chance as equals as well.
    Your loving mother

  54. Dearest Son Timmy,
    I have heard about the election for the 19th amendment and that your job as a congress man is to vote yes or no on women’s right to vote. As a women and your mother I beg you to vote yes it is important that women also get a right to speak on the presidential elections. The 15th amendment passed a law saying all men are allowed to vote so why should all men have the same right but a women shouldn’t. I worked hard just as your father did and I stand behind this country just as much as he would. All I’m asking is for you to give women the chance to vote to put there voices out there and be a part of the states. Just understand regardless of your decision you are my son and I will always love you but I need for you to think about women before you vote and how we deserve a chance as equals as well.
    Your loving mother

  55. Dearest Emmett,
    Hello Emmy! It’s your dear old mother checking on you as usual but I’m afraid that I have another reason for writing to you right now. I am aware that you are preparing to vote on whether or not the new amendment should be ratified. I know that you will have your own opinion on this matter but if you would please take the time to look at things from a woman’s perspective you might change your mind. The laws and rights in our country are given to all citizens and are meant to benefit all citizens but is that really true if the women in our country aren’t allowed to vote? Women are affected by the choices made in this country but we’ve never had a say in it. To be honest, this is the almost same thing that Britain did to the colonists which, correct me if I’m wrong (I’m not), is why we developed this independent nation in the first place. Women are, and have been for centuries, capable of making their own decisions but we haven’t been given the chance to. I’m so passionate about this because it will affect me as well as your aunts, your grandmother, your sister and every female member of this family. As a woman, I feel sort of disrespected that we aren’t thought highly enough to have had a decision in votes before but I’m hoping that you will do something to change that. After all, our country is about fairness and equality isn’t it? So . . . now that I’ve said that I’ll let you go. Just remember that mommy loves you and I’ll respect your decision, no matter what it may be. Bye-bye for now!
    Love Mommy

  56. I would like to add some perspective to your point of view concerning this new amendment son so you can make the best decision. Women need a say in government too otherwise our voting standards are violating the declaration of independence. Women can think for themselves and we are human so we preserve the right to vote. Women have the right to no taxation without representation as well as men. Women are taxed to so we deserve as equal rights as any man. Women take up at least half of the United States governed population, in the declaration of independence it is stated that right of representation from the governed and it is not gender specific as it states this. We can revolt just as anyone else can and we could split this so called “more perfect union” in two just as the American colonists separated from their monarch.

  57. Son,

    I received word that you are about to vote on the amendment allowing women to vote. I can not even begin to put in words why you should vote yes. Women are a very strong force in today's society, and always will be. Do you not think we should have a voice in the voting polls? We to want to voice our opinions you and others will have the power to give us the opportunity to do so by voting to ratify this amendment. Just think would the women who raised you steer you wrong?, but regardless of your decision I will love you. "Just think about how this would empower us, after all we to live in a society were we would like to see changes.

  58. Dear son,
    Now that you have grown into a wonderful congressman, I would like for you to vote yes into making a difference into the lives of woman, for not only this state, but the life’s of other woman as well. I know you will do the right thing and won’t hesitate into voting yes on this new 19 amendment that is heavily being debated. I shall support you for no matter what your thoughts have come to made, but I surely hope you will help your mother to have a say into government and not only mine, but the voices of all the women they have long to say.

  59. Dear Son,
    I have heard just recently that men are beginning to vote on the 19th amendment and I was writing to explain to you why I feel it should be passed. Women are considered citizens and have to pay taxes and do other things that male citizens have to do. We participate much in the community, yet we have no say in who is voted as president. I feel with passing this law all citizens would be given equal rights as far as participation in the government goes. It may also give women a reason to work harder at the roles they hold in the community. I hope you consider all that I have mentioned and think about the issues at hand before you vote.

  60. Dear son,
    I heard about the amendment you are deciding on but I think you should go and pass it so all of the women in the states can vote. Isn't this the 19th amendment you are trying to pass? Either way it would make me happy if you voted yes on this amendment.

  61. Dear son,
    I hope you had a very safe trip to D.C. I hear it so crowded and bustling up there. I worried about you all night, why I don’t know because I should be use to it now. I just can’t seem to get over how my little boy has grown up to be a strong congressman. In your last letter you told me how you were going up there to go vote on that new amendment for women’s suffrage. When you go vote on this amendment just remember what I taught you; women our important part of a man’s life and they should be respect and treated equally to men.

    Love you dearly, Mother

  62. Dear Joe,
    I’m so proud of you for achieving your dream of becoming a congressman. I’ve heard that you are voting for a new amendment: how exciting! I’m so thankful to have such a bright and wise congressman in office when this amendment is passed. I’m confident that you will make the right decision and allow this law to pass. Women are American citizens and should have every right to vote. I’m confident that you will make the right decision, because you have always treated me and your sisters with respect.
    Your mother

  63. Dearest Roger,
    The proposed amendment allowing women to vote means a lot to me and the rest of the American women. You understand my anxiety for this to be passed, and my hope that it will be. I know that you are the one chosen to make this decision; I only hope you make the right one. When you vote on this upcoming amendment please remember me and this letter. Women have every reason to be allowed to vote, we can do anything that men can, and we raised all of the great men in this country. I know I speak for women everywhere when I say that we are tired of this oppression, is that not the reason we separated from Britain?
