Monday, January 24, 2011

American Dream

Describe the significance of the American Dream throughout history.
What does it mean to you?

Remember to respond in a paragraph format addressing both parts of the question.


  1. The significance of the American Dream throughout history is mainly the aspirations everyone has inside of them. The American Dream is also the courage to dream big and pursue your own happiness. Throughout history the people who have came to this country have done just that, taken the opportunity of a life time and made it worth their while. The American Dream speaks to us in many different ways but when I think of the American Dream it really only means one thing. Succeed. The aspiration to succeed in any and everything I do in life, and I think that’s all anyone could ever hope for, just the opportunity to Succeed.

  2. The American Dream is what everyone claims that they want for themselves here in America; in the past and now as well. It has driven people to better themselves than the previous generations. The thought of having a great life-style, one you can choose, brings people from all over the world into the United States because they want better for themselves and for their children to come. The American Dream is definitely something that I can say I follow. It means a lot to know that I will graduate with a degree and that no one else in my family has. I want more for myself than what I have and am willing to work hard for it. The Dream is something that drives people to be their best in what they choose to do and that is important to me.

  3. I believe that the American Dream was really popular back in the day. Because a lot of people didn’t have much to look forward to, and with the economy in a bad state the American Dream was a goal of many Americans. The people thought of the American Dream as being able to become successful and have money to provide for your family and some what live in leisure. The American Dream led a lot of immigrants to this country, wanting and believing that they too could achieve it. The American Dream to me means a lot because I think that everyone wants a car in their drive way, sufficient funds, and a good paying job. I believe that a lot of people have just thought of the American Dream as just being successful, which I can’t disagree with, but I don’t think the Dream is as important or as promoted as it once was.

  4. The American dream is the thought of growing up and doing what you were brought up to do in school and by parents. To own a house, have a great job, be financially stable, get married, have kids and retire. To me the American dream is that when I'm done with school i can have a good job to keep me financially stable, when I'm stable enough to be able to help my self i can get married have a wife and later kids. Later send my kids through school and when their out the house on there own later in my life I can retire.

  5. The American Dream is a dream many immigrates and U.S citizens have. This dream is thought to bring success and prosperity to people. People want a better life that brings happiness and money; it is thought to believe that the American Dream will bring this. The American Dream means a lot to me, even though this dream isn’t always fulfilled. Me, myself want the American Dream. I want to be able to save my money so I can afford an apartment on my own. I want the freedom to choose where I want to live, and whom I want to live with. A big part of the American Dream would be the dream of better education. Better education means better jobs which leads to higher living. My education means a lot to me and is going to in the long run get me my American Dream.

  6. Describe the significance of the American Dream throughout history.
    What does it mean to you?

    The significance of the American dream throughout history was to give people who don’t have hope, hope. The idea of the American Dream was that all people could be successful, happy, and all of their goals and could be accomplished with hard work. The American Dream to me means that one way you can truly be happy is if you work for it. For example if you believe you are over weight and your goal is to lose ten pounds, after all your hard work and those ten pounds are gone, you are happy.

  7. Throughout history the American Dream has been the goal of everyone who has come over to America. Most people come to America for the chance to live a free life. We all want to live the prefect little TV life where the mom stays at home cooking and clean all day, the children go to school, and the dad works all day, then they all come home to their nice yellow house with a white picket fence and a dog named Rover, though it’s not as easy as it seems to achieve the American Dream. When most immigrants came over to American during the time of the industrial revolution, they got very low paying jobs in factories. Many immigrants lived in very small, dirty apartments with no running water. To them the American Dream was really nothing but a dream.
    Today, though it’s a little easier to achieve the American dream, it’s a matter of keeping the dream and not getting laid off at work, or having your home be foreclosed on you, and both parents have to work, to pay the bills. Some parents don’t even how a spouse due to a divorce so they have be wonderwomen/men in order to pay the bills.

  8. The American dream is that of great importance among the average American’s list of priorities. Achieving the American dream means owning your own house, car, furniture, appliances, and being debt free. Very few end up achieving this because the cost of living is higher than most can afford. And with the unemployment rate still rising this dream is becoming less and less achievable. Many think the American dream is over rated but to me it means freedom to live your life the way you want and be able to call something your own.

  9. The “American Dream” usually refers to the second sentence of the constitution which states, ”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,[72] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This statement says that all people should be able to be treated equally and have a prospect of a long, happy, and fulfilling life. The historical value of the American Dream is to have something to look forward to. When the pilgrims set out on their journey to America they had a dream and they had set out to fulfill that dream. My American Dream is that when I am old I can look back on my life and not feel that I missed out, that I don’t regret not doing something I was given the opportunity to do. I want to be able to live my life with no worries, no regrets, and to just be able to live life to the fullest every single day because you never know what will happen next that may change your life whether its for the good or the bad. Many people have some of the same basic ideas to their American Dream which is to be happy with the decisions you have made in life.

  10. The American dream is to have a job a house and a family, but is it possible to have it all. In some cases the American dream is possible if you have enough money; although in most cases people can’t afford a home car and pay taxes and everything else. Most people don’t think this will be too hard when they come to America and it didn’t used to be. Now a day’s people are leaving the U.S and go back home saying they can’t support themselves and their families. Before people would come to America and be able to make a life for them. Today you come to America and you work minimal wage that’s if you can get a job and can barely cover your payments. So is the American dream still obtainable?

  11. The importance of the American dream is that for a long time people that of it as a great way to live. Back then they thought the way to live was the American dream. They wanted legacy of freedoms, equality, justice, and the only way they were going to get it is through the American dream. Also the American dream is thought of pursuing your happiness, and dreaming big. Throughout history people have come and lived their American dream, they have taken advantage of their opportunities. In my perspective the American dream means to live and be free. You have the right to be happy and live the way you please without disturbing or harming anyone. The American dream also means that you get to dream big, and pursue your dreams. I think that one of the main reasons immigrants chose to come to America is to live the American dream. If you look around, you can see that most of them have done just that.

  12. The American dream throughout history hasn’t really been changed over time. In the beginning it was to actually come to America and start over and have a better life. Being able to pursue one’s own happiness is also included in that. People wanted to have great careers and absolutely great homes; it’s still like this today. Many people want their children to have great opportunities and get the best education they can get. The “American Dream” to me is to be able to support my family and give them whatever they need to be able to live and survive; it even goes beyond just the necessities. People just want everyone to be happy and that’s basically giving them the “American Dream”.

  13. Throughout history immigrates have came to America to get a better education, more health benefits, and to have an all around better life. They would have a better life than what if they would have stayed in their country. In the past immigrates came to America to have freedom, so they could choose their own religion, and speak their mind, and make their own decisions. I believe that the “American dream” now is, having a good paying job, and later getting married and having a family. Having the big house and the fancy car and all, is important, but not as important as it is on the Americans influence though out time. I think that the “American dream” pushes people to better themselves. I believe that it influences people to care about their education, and there lifestyle. People come from all around the world to get a taste of the “American Dream”, and public schools and healthcare and scholarships help make that happen.

  14. The American Dream is everyone says they cant wait to move out of their parents house and get their own house so they can have their own rules and it is significant because only a very few people achieve this because the way the economy is today they may have a house, car, etc. but they arent always debt free and some people dont even have those things. What it means to me is that dont rush your life enjoy it and dont buy things that you dont absolutley need unless you have the money so you dont use your credit card as often so your not in as much debt also it means that when buying a home and/or a car it doesnt have to be the best one right away you can eventually work your way up to a better house and/or car.

  15. The American Dream throughout history has been diluted. Back then the American Dream was being married, having kids, and owning your own house.People couldn't wiat to have a family of their own. Now people are terrified of moving out of their parent’s house and living on their own because of how expensive it is. More and more couples are not getting married, and not having kids because it costs so much money. The American Dream to me means that everyone has a say in what happens to this country and doesn’t have to worry about if they are going to be able to put food on the table or not. I realize that this is not going to happen any time soon, people are going to worry and be upset with the government but I think this is how America should be like. Free of worry and anger.

  16. The American Dream has convinced many people from other countries to give up everything and move to America for a better life. Many people believe that American society is faultless, and although it is definitely better than some countries, it is most certainly not perfect. This flawed perception of American life has coerced many into giving up their homeland and moving here throughout history – and while in many cases it works out well enough, there are always the exceptions to the rule, and there will always be people who aren’t treated well in America or who don’t have very good lives here.
    To me, the “American Dream” is something our country claims to have but in actuality does not always put forth. We do have freedoms – but they can be limited at times. We do have a government by the people – but it is dependent upon our representatives doing as they are asked by voters. We do have equality – but it is not always present in our legislative and judicial systems, such as when people are judged by appearance, race, religion etc. We do have justice – but is it for all? Illegal immigrants don’t have the same rights as citizens, but they should receive the same opportunities as everyone else. So, although our society tries very hard to share these values, not all of them are constantly in practice.

  17. The American Dream is the dream that the majority of American citizens have. They hope to live a better life than the last generation did. It is also the belief that if you work hard, you will succeed. A long time ago, the American Dream was to be able to have a house and support your family. Later on the American Dream became being able to get a good education and make lots of money. The American Dream is a goal for everyone. It is what makes you keep going and not stop, for you want a better life. The American Dream is what attracts so many immigrants into the United States. They believe that by coming to the US, they can have a chance to work, live a better life, be able to support their families and to gain more freedom. Throughout history, American citizens are able to not give up and keep working in order to achieve the American Dream.
    The American Dream is a goal that I can reach if I work really hard. If I don't give up, I can get a good education, make money to support my family and to have a better life than the generation before me did.

  18. The significance of the American Dream throughout is history is based off of how successful you are. The dream everyone had throughout history is that Americans want to have a luxury home, a job that they prefer, a nice car, being able to pay your bills and taxes, supporting a family, being healthy, etc. But I feel that it is difficult to pursue that dream because of the bad economy America is in right now. Americans are suffering because of the debt loss, and that would lower the chances of the American Dream. So the American Dream right now is to being able to support their family and have shelter and decrease the lavishness of other things and just get the basic of things.

  19. The American dream was greatly admired in the past, since people really didn’t have much to look up to or strive for. So when the economy was bad, people were trying to strive for the American dream; moreover, people tried to make the American dream a goal. The implication of the American dream for people was that you get freedom; we have a democracy, egalitarianism, and integrity. Even though we have an imperfect society in reality, people can still endeavor for the best equality. In the past, The American Dream lead a lot of people to America because people thought they were going to have a better life, in which they could better there selves and their families. I think a lot of immigrants that came here in the past, and still coming today, just wanted things that they could call their own, such as: money, houses, children, religion, and education. To me the American dream is a goal that I should strive for; however, my American dream can be different for other peoples because people have their own opinion on what they want for their lives. Of course I would love to have a education, which would led me to a nice paying job, in which I could support my family, I also would like a nice house, cars, and perhaps even my own business. I know my American dream, but I know that I can’t just sit around and wait for it to come, I actually have to work for it and that’s what I plan to do.

  20. The American dream is basically having dreams for your life. Also wanting to have freedom and equality, so basically wanting to succeed and have a perfect life. Throughout history many people have come to America wanting to have the American dream; having a job with a steady income, with a house and not having to deal with any problems. What the American dream means to me is basically achieving all your goals in life. Also to take advantage of all the good opportunities life has to offer.

  21. The American dream is thought to be you having the perfect life. Great job, perfect wife, smart kids who were angels and do nothing wrong, your financially stable and own a good home. Well the dream is different for everybody it use to be come to the Americas and be free from your ruler or king and settle here grow your own crops and be a happy family. Throughout history the first dream was to find gold then people moved here to get away from the king telling them what type of religion to believe in and they came here to be free and do what they want to. The way I see the American Dream is you’re happy with what you got, a job and home a wife or husband to say hello to you when you walk in the door. You have your own dream and some peoples dream is to keep the land they own or raise a family.

  22. The significance of the American dream means the ideal of freedom, equality, and opportunity of a fair and successful life. Everyone believes in living in the moment, having the thought of living life without struggle is one of the best moments in life. Throughout history I believe this dream has altered just a little because back in the 80s people may have had a different aspect life is different now. We as the people now just are living in the moment hoping for our American dream. The main dream of an American is to be successful but I believe living fair is well enough.

  23. The “American Dream” is the dream of freedom and equality. Many people from different countries have come to our country expecting new and great things. The immigrants American Dream is to be able to come to our country to provide needs and support their family. Instead when they come to the U.S. they are treated unfairly. They want to succeed just as much as they do. They come to our country for a reason and I feel like they should have a right to. We may not realize it, but we have the “American Dream” to succeed in college and to make something out of our lives. When we are studying in college we might decide to study abroad. Studying abroad is leaving out of the United States and going to another country. They allow us to come to their country so that we may be able to continue pursuing our goals. They allow us, so why can’t, or why don’t we allow them to come here and make a living? Everyone should be treated fairly and everyone should be allowed to live their “American Dream.”

  24. The significance of the American Dream throughout history was that of freedom and opportunity. People came to the United States for a fresh start on life and they were trying to give their children the best opportunity possible. In early history the American dream was that of promises of riches in gold or discovery. As time moved on the dream stayed the same but also evolved with the times like the gold rush to California and the tar pit fossil discovery. During the Great Depression the dream was to be able to put food on the table and maintain that job as long as you could. In the late twenty century to the early twenty first century, the dream was to make it big with new ideas and bright new talent ready to show the big companies what you had and that you could make it in their world. Now the American Dream is to make your children as happy as you can making their lives better than the one you had. Though the economy just came out of the recession it feels like we are ‘bout to hit another. Parents, immigrants, and every other American know that it’s tough to provide for yourself much less than a family of four. When I hear people say at the beginning of this war was that ‘We have to protect the American Dream’ but I doubt half of them know what they mean. I believe that the American Dream Still stands for Freedom, Justice, Opportunity, and a better life for those who are lucky enough to make it in to this country.

  25. The significance of the American Dream throughout history is to have freedom and full equality under the law. Each person should have fairness and integrity. The American Dreams means to me that everybody including immigrants should have freedom and hope. They should be able to have a confident desire to live a successful life. The importance of the American dream is being able to have a chance to have our dreams fulfilled. Knowing that we have an American dream I am now confident and I think other are to that we can strive to the top and have a successful feature.

  26. The significance or the importance of the American Dream throughout history is to really have that “dream” lifestyle. Being able to have an unlimited amount of freedoms and equality. In the 1600s people were able to have as many kids as they want and make choices on what they wanted and how they wanted to live without having to go through hardships in getting it. The way of life now is not the same as it was in the past. Even though in history, things weren’t a breeze, people still were able to do a little bit better in supporting their selves. Now there is a recession and it isn’t as much of a breeze to getting or having your own way of life. Now it’s like you have to live your life a certain, constructed way compared to history. To me the American dream means to dream big and follow your dreams. If you have dreams, there shouldn’t be any reason for why you can’t aspire them and turn them and to reality. Unlike now, most people have dreams but cant aspire them because of hard times that they have and they have the government to hold them back.

  27. I believe that the American dream is what everybody hopes to achieve in the United States of America. This dream provides freedom and equality to US citizens. When immigrants came to America they came here to gain a better future for their families and themselves. They believed by coming here they would be treated equal no matter what their race was; they would have a good paying job, a decent house, better services and securities and many other things that would help them to live a good life. When the immigrants moved to America most of them were able to live the American Dream. To me, the American Dream is extremely important. It is what everyone hopes to gain out of their life as being a citizen in America. My dream would be being able to get through college with a masters degree and be able to one day start a family and have a house and nice paying job. Living the American Dream provides happiness, equality, and peace to others, and to me, that is an extremely important factor that everybody hopes to gain during their lives as a US citizen.

  28. The American Dream has changed throughout history. The american dream used to be that everybody could vote on who would run there goverment and now people can do that, but some poeple don't even vote. and like 50 years ago the american dream was owning a house and people do that now and now they still want to sell the house. So poeple take advantage of what we do have and dont appreciate what we do have and they only focus on what we don'd have.

  29. The American dream has always been to have equal and just rights and freedoms. To be treated fairly, regardless of skin color, race, religion, etc. We have had that dream since we became american people. The colonists had the dream of equality back when we were just starting off. The Africans had dreams of justice and equality when they were being used for slaves. Immigrants have dreamt of being treated equally since who knows when. The American dream has been a major idea throughout history, in different ways. What the American dream means to me is justice and fair treatment. If me and an immigrant commit the same crime, I would expect us to recieve the same punishment, not lesser on either side. That is what the American Dream is and what it means to me.

  30. Our country was founded on the idea of the American Dream. People wanted to be free do anything they wanted in life, regaurdless of what their parents did. The American Dream is that reguardless of what your born into you can come up and be the president, or a lawyer, or an actor, or a mechanic, or an inmate, or whatever you put the work in to do. The American Dream is usually the idea of coming up and living lavishly, with a big house, fast cars, and enough money to buy anything you want. The American Dream to me is just to live in a way that makes you happy. That everyone can find happyness, whether live alone in a one bedroom place on the beach and get mad women, or live middle class with a wife and kids, or live in hollywood with a twenty million dollar mansion. Whatever makes you happy is your American Dream, and the struggles that come with getting there make it that much better when you finally get there, unless you never get there, then its just a dream you never reach.

  31. To me, the American Dream is to live life as you want to. "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" As the Constitution states... To live the American Dream is to take life on, with confidence in that you will achieve what you want, in a way that makes you the most happy. You can do whatever you want with your life, you can, go to college and get your dream job, and then you can get a home and maybe find someone and start a family and then continue from there. Yeah, the "Dream Life" might have some bumps, but life is life, and hopefully in the end it will have turned out for the most part, how you wanted it to go.

  32. The significance of the American dream throughout history is what everyone wants in their life. It is to achieve goals that exceed at very high costs. Most people want to be rich and have a lot of money when some people just wish they had food to eat. Everyone one wants to come to our country and succeed much like Americans that live here.

  33. The American Dream is the ultimate life for Americans. It represents our dreams as a nation. It is the pursuit of happiness with a title. Essentially, the American dream is telling that we can succeed in any task if we put our minds to it. The perfect life style is represented in this dream. Finances, family, and friends, all of them the crème de la crème. Owning a home, having a spouse and kids, and retiring are several things the American dream stands for. To me, the American dream symbolizes success and achievement. Working hard and having a good attitude is my way of going about achieving the American Dream.

  34. The American Dream is all about opportunity. When immigrants come to America, they seek all the freedoms and choices that America has to offer. Laws allow people to pursue their own career, religion, and lifestyle without punishment (within reason). When many of the immigrants came to America, they were seeking opportunities that weren't availible to them in their country becuase of strict laws or wars. When some people could think of the American dream, they think of financial sucess like having a big house and a nice car. While having money could be someone's dream, the American dream is all about having the option to pursue your ideal lifestyle without any laws holding you back (within reason).

  35. Throughout history the “American Dream” has changed, but has never lost its significance. At one time, for immigrants coming to America, their “American Dream” was to be free from religious persecution. It’s similar for modern immigrants, who also want to be free from famine, disease, war, and general suffering that existed in their countries. However, the dream is different for modern day Americans, who have been here their whole lives. The cliché “American Dream” used to mean a nice house, a couple of kids, a dog, an attractive husband/wife, a car. But in truth, the American Dream is just what people want when they have the opportunity to live here, and it’s different for everybody. Some people want a better life from America, and some people are just happy to get material things available here. To me American Dream involves having financial security, getting opportunity, having a loving family and friends, and freedom to do and say what you want to.

  36. Throughout history the American dream has been to get a better job, home, and life. But as time progressed and money had been getting harder to get and jobs have gotten limited, the American dream as it was in the old days has gotten harder to maintain. The ideal of getting a better life for yourself and achieving further in life, but not only you but to your family. What I think the American dream to me is just to go and live better then you have in the past, and start over. to also support others, and not just yourself., and to have a roof over heads.

  37. The American dream has changed a lot throughout history. At first, the dream was to become a separate country. If America was being taxed without representation, then something wasn't right. People decided to do something, and the dream was achieved. A long time later, the dream shifted to things like freedom and rights. Women wanted to be able to have better jobs and pay, or the right to vote. Slaves wanted to be equal. After lots of fighting, time, and devotion, those dreams all became a reality, because that was what they truly wanted.
    To me, the American dream is the thing that the country hopes to do, have, or change. Some things can only change over time, but if that's the dream, then it can happen.

  38. The significance of the American Dream is that everyone (most people) has always thought of having their dream car, house, job, family, and more, but now things are harder for people to afford all them things. The American dream is what you want to have in life but now it takes a lot of work. In the past things like gas cost cheaper so people could afford those fancy cars that they wanted because they didn’t have to pay a lot of gas just to drive them. Not only that was cheap but everything was cheaper, food didn’t cost that much as it do now. So that makes it even harder to have big families like they did in the past because people are afraid they wont be able to provide their children with what they need. The point is the American dream was much easier in the past but now people have to work hard for what they got or what they want to have.

  39. Well in the developing times of the United States of America, it was a dream just to be free, then we won the Revolutionary War and the dream was fulfilled. But over the years value of the American dream and moral for the country has drastically gone down. When the United States got settled and government was in place, people basically had no worries, life was simple. Also back then the American Dream was just simply to live free. But now life is so complex, it’s hard to live the American Dream. People have more worries and competition like taxes; safety, where is the next dollar coming from, how we look, what house we live in, and car were driving. Today I think the American Dream to me still is simply living free. It’s just harder to do so now.

  40. The American dream has played a major role throughout history. It has given many people outside of America hope that one day they’ll be able to have access to this dream. For instance, when there was a lot of sickness and disease in countries citizens hoped that by coming to America they would have a better and healthier life. Also, citizens of other countries came here during times of war and oppression thinking that by coming to America it would solve their problems. I believe that the American dream is only accessed through education. I say this because without an education you cannot find a stable job to take of your finances and family. And with economy the way it is today, your only chance at that dream is to get an education.

  41. The American Dream has been highly important throughout history as it has led to the growth of our country. Immigrants have come to the U.S. since its founding as a country in hopes of living the American Dream. The ideas of a perfect life may be a little bit flawed; however, there are many things in America to be thankful for. In the U.S., citizens are free and can elect people to represent their opinions. While there are imperfections to the flawless life some people are looking for, the American Dream, to me, represents freedom, rights, a chance to rise as an individual, and the means for diversity.

  42. The significance of the American Dream is that people that come to America can have the luxuries of a nice house, car, and job. Even though it’s not just about the material things but the government and having a representative democracy, and having all the rights of natural citizens in the United States is enough to be counted as the “American Dream” to some people. However this to some people is nothing at all of what they expect to happen because they think coming to America or even the Us that it is a free ride and you don’t have to work very hard to get all of these things. To me this means being able to vote and decide who should run your country, and being able to use public places like the school systems and actual government buildings. This also means that is you are willing to work hard in order to receive all these things that it will come to you and you will be able to have the so called “American Dream”.

  43. The American Dream has had a great importance throughout history. It has caused many groups of people to try and immigrate into the United States in the hope that life will be better. Because of so many people trying to immigrate into the US, laws were passed to help lower the number of immigrants every year due to the fear that the immigrants would take all of the jobs. The American Dream still causes changes in our country even today. We now have so many illegal immigrants that states are trying to pass immoral laws in order to stop them all because they want to live that “American Dream”. To me the American Dream is to live a life that is safe and secure. Where you have the chance to live life to the fullest without having to worry about the down sides, but obviously that doesn’t happen.

  44. Throughout history, the idea of an “American Dream” has caused many immigrants to come over in hopes of finding a better life. In some cases their lives were better, but in others, they were given debts, taxes, and hassles. The “American Dream” is the concept of freedom, government by the people, equality, and justice; however, some people think of the “American Dream” to be the “good life” or the easy life. To me this easy life “American Dream” is both unconceivable and unrealistic. We do have the “American Dream” that talks of equality, freedom, and justice, but this idea of a free ride is not real. To me, the “American Dream” is basically the things our country upholds. We keep justice, freedom, and equality at the heart of our country.

  45. The significance of the American Dream was to give people hope. Which simply means that everyone dreams and hopes about having a nice house, fancy cars, a nice job that pays you good and lots of money to support their children. But right now with the economy it’s hard to live the average American Dream. And in the past it was much easier for people to live the American Dream life, but now people have to work for what they want. Because back in the days everything was at a lower price than everything is now, so it was easier for the Americans to live the American Dream.

  46. The American dream to me is full of false statements and turned down dreams. Many people have come to America hoping for a better life but once they got here the dream that they thought would come true didn’t. The false statements have been made by leaders of this country, promises of a better economy and our troops being brought home are just a few. The economy has caused the American dream to turn into a disaster, but if you think about it isn’t the fall of the economy everybody’s fault? The rise in crime rate or the rise in pollution, all these things we have contributed to, that has made our country worst, which eventually affects the vision of the “American dream”. Everyone wants to blame the government for what we all did as Americans, I think we all need to take part in helping build up our economy and we need to take a bigger part in our communities

  47. Throughout history people have had their own take of the "American Dream." To people living in harsh conditions the United States is an opportunity for them to better themselves financial and emotionally. Depending on your own personally outlook you create a visual in your mind of the dream. It is believed that Americans live in a community and government that we take for granted every day. In other countries there is a lack of resources, tools and jobs; therefore, people come to America to live in a place where they can better themselves.
    My definition of the American dream is being able to express myself and live in a place where I am treated equal to the people around me. It is also a place in which I can get a job and live in a house I can afford because of the job that I am given. It is a dream where I can get an education to help me reach my full potential in the job that I choose to uphold.

  48. The American Dream was originally the opportunity to move to a place in which everyone had the freedom to live their lives the way that they wanted to live them. They could vote for their laws which when America began was unheard of. Then the American Dream was described as having the opportunity to choose the job that you had and to get an education, move up in the world and retire in a nice house with a white picket fence, a dog and 2.5 kids or something along those lines but nowadays people can’t afford that. Honestly, to me the American Dream is just . . . what our country stands for, not necessarily what everyone expects it to be. In my general opinion, the American Dream is living in a place that is just, fair and full of opportunities for people to get the most that they can out of life. To live in a place in which there aren’t really any real limitations as in the government limiting their income, their family size, education level, etc. The American Dream to me is basically the belief that you can get the things that you want out of life but they won’t just be given to you. You will have to work but the work always pays off in the end.

  49. Many people come to this country to go after the American Dream. This is because it has been a legacy of freedoms, government by the people, equality for everyone, and justice for all. This is all values we share, but in reality this society is imperfect. The economy has been going down hill in our country and it has been crushing people’s dreams and their purpose for coming to this country. People come here because their family and friends are here, religious freedom, or to get a better education and life. America is known as the “melting pot” and if people stop coming to America or they go back to their country because the American Dream they wanted got crushed, then our country would not be the “melting pot” and our society would be very different. In our days to have the American Dream you have to work very hard. The American Dream to me means not only to have a lot of material things like a house, a car, etc, but to be happy and to be surrounded by people who love you. If you can not be happy then it is impossible to achieve your goals and dreams.

  50. The American Dream has always been one’s own idealistic dream(s) of being in America where it is known as the land of the free. Freedom includes a promise of the possibility to succeed and prosper and pursue happiness. The idea of the American Dream is implanted in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence which says that, “all men are equal” and that they are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights” which include, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Since its naissance in 1778, the United States has empowered itself as a nation of liberty and achievement. For many immigrants coming to America, the Statue of Liberty was their first view of the United States, exemplifying new opportunities in life. The statue is an emblem of the American Dream. The American Dream has changed during history with the rise of new ideas, concepts, and technology. The American Dream has allured millions to our American shores, for example, immigration through the station at Ellis Island into America just for a better life, new opportunities, and success without being detained due to class, religion, race, or ethnicity.

    To me, the American Dream is living life for the better and reaching your highest goals or achievements in life. In America, you are able to dream and follow that dream without some well-meaning authority figure steering you away from that goal from achieving it. It is better to try to be a novelist and fail, rather than not try at all. Citizens who have dreams should go after it and do whatever they can to achieve those dreams. My overall American Dream is that I want to be able to make a difference in the world through my future career in medicine, philanthropy, being an environmentalist, providing for my parents and family members, helping others, being the best I can be, and portray the fact that any American has the capability to live up to there own dreams. There are so many choices and opportunities here in America. That is the beauty about living here. There is absolutely no reason to quit believing in achieving the American Dream. All you need to have is an amalgam of interests, skills, talents, goals, passion, motivation, inspiration, hope, and faith to live up to your American vision.

  51. Kashif El-Amin Said...
    The American dream is basically working hard to live worry free. The concept of having a good job that pays well to where you can afford a nice house, car, and provide to your family the finer things. Bills paid on time every month and having good credit. The American dream is where you live a lavish life but not to the point were your pretentious. You have all your necessities and can enjoy the luxuries also.
    To me the American dream is exactly what it entitles A Dream...-Kaashif

  52. The American Dream is what brought the colonists over the Atlantic before America was even a country. The American Dream, the idea of happiness and freedom, is a running theme throughout our Constitution and other founding documents. All of the immigrants that have came to America came here to pursue happiness or make their lives better. To me the American Dream means you can express yourself however you feel and you can take your own path to becoming whoever or whatever you want to be.

  53. The American dream is to have freedom. America has promised this to others. Others came to America to find this. In fact the country was founded on this idea, to find freedom of religion. But freedom is different for different people, so how could America possibly provide this for everyone? By setting laws that are made by a representative democracy and by setting up a constitution of basic freedoms and rights. But the minority who has conflicting ideas about what should be free, such as, whether marijuana should be legalized or not. The majority has voted into law that using marijuana is illegal but the minority is not free to use marijuana, so they are not free. So what freedom is, is dictated by the majority of the country. The only way to truly have freedom is if the country was in complete chaos and even then it would not really be free. So we have to conclude that freedom is not the absence of law but some view it as just that. To me, freedom is to be able to make your own choices and even though I can’t always do what I want to because it may conflict with someone else’s choices, it’s the best thing we’ve got.

  54. The “American Dream” throughout history represented an idea that every individual or family had of living in America and ultimately establishing a “perfect” or better life. The American Dream has evolved over time from freedom and rights, to a huge house with a white picket fence, and now to just having luxury and wealth. To me the American Dream means trying hard to provide success and accomplishment leading to a life always wanted. It also means taking risks to achieve what you want in life, and not just expecting everything to be handed to you. This country is based on hard work and achieving goals, so the American Dream should stand for defining those two factors and everything relative to living a comfortable life.

  55. Throughout history people haven’t been following “the American dream”. The American dream is a dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. Immigrants been coming over here legally and illegally to chase after their “American dream”. When the immigrants get over here they are treated like crap. They are willing to work hard, for less than minimum wage, because in the country they came from they probably wasn’t getting paid at all. Americans always say that immigrants are taken jobs from them; however immigrants work really hard. So a boss will rather hire someone who works harder for less pay, then not as hard for high pay.
    My American dream is being able to express myself and live in a place where I am treated equally.

  56. The significance of the American dream is that everyone wants to live it because here in America it is possible for everyone. Immigrants from all over come to America seeking a way to make their lives better for them and their children and they know they can find it here in America. People feel it is an easier life here because there are more rights for people here and there are fewer limitations on things they can do. What people really think about the American dream is that they can just come to America and it will just be easy to get what they want, but I don’t think they realize that it is a lot of work to get legalized and get a job here. The American dream can be accomplished but its a lot more work than people make it seem like. What the American dream means to me is that I have the freedom to make whatever I want out of myself without limitations. It means I can go for any job that I want without being discriminated against because I am a girl. It means that I have the opportunity to raise a family and have a good job at the same time and not just be the typical house wife.

  57. The American Dream is a dream that has to deal with living a successful, happy, hard working life. Even though life has its rough times, I believe if we try to over come them, get stronger, and learn from them then everybody can accomplish that dream. It is a dream that everybody well I hope everybody is heading towards to accomplish, but I know I am and will try my best to accomplish it as well as many other dreams.

  58. The American dream throughout history is the thesis of how your life turned out. Most Americans American dream is to get a good paying job, move into their own house, get married, and then start a family. This American dream is what attracts the immigrants To America but the American dream that they think is happening has changed since America is slipping down the drain the American dream has changed a lot. Now many people’s American dream is to just being able to find a job no matter what it pays, keeping a job even if it’s a minimum wage paying job, and being able to stay and afford their house, and being able to take care of their families. The American dream to me is just living my life to its fullest even if there are struggles in my life I will get through them with the help of citizens, government, and my family.

  59. The American dream is what people think of as a blessing. Most countries don’t even allow the freedom of religion but in America we do. To most immigrants’ America is like a new start for people, it might be rough starting out but it gets better some way. I don’t think when people came up with the American dream that it would be so popular to people because this is a different life style from what they grew up in. Throughout history the American dream has brought over many different people which have made America the big melting pot as many call it. The American dream means to me that there abusing the rights to come over here and have a new start. Too many people are taking advantage of this and I think now we are realizing this and trying to take control of what got out of hand.

  60. The American dream to me is hope for a successful, fulfilling, comfortable life. It’s the “American dream” to own anything you want and have the freedom to do as you please. People first came here searching for a better life then the one they lived in their own country. If it wasn’t for people having this idea there wouldn’t be an America the way it is today. Like America has been called in the past, we are a melting pot of cultures.

  61. The “American Dream” is just a myth that says that people who come to America are automatically granted happiness and go on to live out their dreams. Although this might sound great, it is a very false statement. It is one of the things said that makes people from other countries want to come to America. People are mislead into thinking that if you come to America, then you can live out the “American Dream”, but sadly enough, this is untrue. To me, the American Dream is something that can only be found by the rich and the famous of this world. Honestly, I feel bad for the people who believe this to be true because they go on living their life to find the “American Dream” but can never find their "big break" as some often call it.

  62. The American dream is just a figure of speech. Throughout history people has defined it as a place of opportunities. Most of the immigrants come to America for the freedom and as a chance to change their lives. In America you can find jobs and ways to make money. People believe that because America is so open and free that they have a better chance at becoming someone as if they could live their dream. People call it the American dream because they know that America is greedy and immigrants can come and make money here. I feel that it is not all what people believe it is but to the immigrants it is because they come from countries that don’t have the jobs and resources that we have.

  63. The American dream was significant because it represented freedom to other countries. The American dream was an opportunity for people to have a dream and make it there reality. A place where you can earn a nice house a car and whatever you set out to do. The American dream means a lot to me I feel like everyone is entitled to have a dream and turn I into reality to have a goal and set it out so it becomes true. In a lot of other countries this doesn’t get to happen. If your following rules and going by society why shouldn’t you get the chance to go to a place you believe will make your dreams come true.

  64. The American Dream. Immigrants feel as if that was the time they came to America for a better life, education, and health care. To have the American dream is to become what you want to be in life, express your ideas, and to be a part of history its self. What the American Dream means to me is that everyone has a chance to come to America and to become a top achiever in what they acommplish.

  65. The American Dream was and always will be significant throughout history because most Americans strive towards obtaining it. The dream molded american culture and shaped it around achievement. The American Dream to me means or symbolizes what our country was and how it has changed in time. ow the aspects of american culture have shifted towards the same however modified goal, the American Dream.
